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swimming lessons

    I love swimming and I love that my kids have all taken a liking to it as well.  Today was a HOT HOT day for us {in the 90’s : I know all you Texas gals are laughing} so we met up with my sisters and their kids at the pool.

    By the way, if you live near the eastside and need swim lessons, try these swim lessons in Issaquah by SwimQwik..



    Such cute boys being their silly selves.

    9 thoughts on “swimming lessons”

    1. I, too, came from Nester and when I have a few or twenty minutes, I’ve been checking your older posts – the ideas are endless! You are talented.

      I have some beautiful white hydrangeas (from Safeway) in a white pot inserted into a clear chunky vase with black rocks for my dining room centerpiece. It makes me happy. A few people have asked if they were fake, they are so pretty. (Who knew? Safeway rocks.)

    2. hey friend! i too keep mine pretty bare when not in use! however i do have a few crafty projects sitting on it at this very minute! i think about having it set but then think about the dusting! ugh! and the paint color that pretty much covers every inch of my home is sherwin williams “masterpiece tan”! very cute pix of the boys and your sweet little girl! we spent the whole day in the pool yesterday! fun!

      ps. yay! we are friends! hehe!

    3. Greetings! I typically load up the table with a couple of stacks of good books – photo books, decor books, poetry books…books that can be enjoyed in short spurts. That way, you can grab one and sit down for five minutes and move on…and the table does not look so forlorn. If not using for books, I keep a huge flower arrangement on our dining room table – scents the whole house!

    4. dining room table- empty. always. except when the chairs lived on it. (to keep the baby off them and the table). I have 2 boys- 4 and 2- and anything left on the table would be in serious danger. :)

      fabulous swimming pics! I wish we could get some of that summer here in Cali!!!

    5. Emily, I just found your blog yesterday and I read every. single. post. Yeah, I have some time on my hands, but I promise I won’t stalk you. I just love your sense of style and all your creativity! Thank you so much for all that you share :)

      To answer your question, when we’re not having a dinner party, our dining room table is mostly empty. I try to keep a centerpiece on it most of the time – right now, it’s a big chunky wooden salad bowl with some colorful glass balls in it. Nothing too special. It rotates between that, a giant green glass vase, and a white cake platter. All very simple. Perhaps when I actually get my dining room decorated, I’ll have more inspiration for centerpiece pretties.

      Have a great day!

    6. I found you through Nester — I can’t tell you how TOTALLY IN LOVE I am with your blog!! I watch it through my Google Reader, and I believe I’ve marked everything you’ve done! LOL!! Thanks for such a great site — PLEEEEASE post more pics of your beautiful home!! It’s absolutely GORGEOUS!! ROOM BY ROOM — I LOVE IT!!

    7. Your entire home is so beautiful and I love all your creative touches. That sliding door is fantastic!!! When I’m not using my dining room table I have a wooden tool box that is loaded with freeze-dried flower and fruits. I flank that with some mercury glass candlesticks and add a couple of Moroccan drinking glasses in front of the flower arrangement. I put tea-light candles in the drinking glasses. I switch the arrangement up here and there but pretty much it always comes back to that one. Hope you have a great day!

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