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ruffle wreath {a tutorial}

    I spent yesterday with my friend Rae while our husbands were doing important things like putting out fires and rescuing kittens from trees {by the way, do you know that fire fighters don’t really do that? Ryan gets slightly annoyed at the mention of it}. Anyway, we let the seven children of ours run wild while we did a little bit of Autumn crafting.  She needed a new fall wreath for her front door and so we created this little beauty:

    ruffle wreath

    How about a tutorial?

    Here’s what you’ll need:


    :: styrofoam wreath

    :: burlap

    :: scissors

    :: needle & thread

    :: straight pins {not shown – oops}

    :: hot glue gun {also not shown, but definitely necessary}

    STEP ONE: cut three long strips of burlap {4″ x 70″}



    STEP TWO: wrap the wreath with one burlap strip



    secure the start and end with straight pins


    STEP THREE: gather the burlap strips into ruffles


    Because of the loose weave, tie your thread to the fabric to hold in place. Then start stitching.



    Now pull your thread to gather the burlap


    STEP FOUR: attach the ruffle to the wreath


    attach the first ruffle to the back of the wreath, pinning in to hold with straight pins.


    then add hot glue to secure.


    Flip over and this is your first layer.


    STEP FIVE: attach second ruffle


    Starting from the inside of the wreath, pin down the second layer.


    And you’ll have this:


    We added some seasonal embellishments {a bunched up fabric flower, a satin flower, some feathers, a glitter bird and tag}


    Love it!


    Here is her front door before {wearing a spring wreath}:


    And now:




    Perfectly Autumn-ish.

    90 thoughts on “ruffle wreath {a tutorial}”

    1. Pingback: 15 Amazing DIY Fall Wreaths – chuckiesblog

    2. Pingback: 15 Amazing DIY Fall Wreaths - Style Motivation

    3. Pingback: DIY Decorating | Fall Into Autumn - Maracay Homes

    4. Funny story…my husband has actually rescued a kitten from a tree on shift before! He gets slightly annoyed when I mention it too, but only because it really happened, haha.
      I just found your site, love it, and love this wreath!

    5. I just stumbled across your blog from an amazing pin on Pinterest and am literally sitting in my studio surrounded by said burlap and a styrofoam wreath just waiting for loveliness! I think I’ve found my inspiration, in more ways than 1 actually- I just started my own blog @Pinhappydiy.blogspot and I am greener than green, but looking for blogs that capture the same feel and provide the kind of well formed ” how to” that yours obviously does. So, thank you for the shot of inspiration- I can only hope to create half of what you have going on here one day!

      Wish I could stick around and browse in awe a bit more, but I have a wreath to make! I will be posting my own experiences and finished pictures and will be sure to credit your original idea. (Not that it gets much traffic, but maybe one day! :)

    6. What did you use as a hanger? How did you attach it?

      Thanks for the tutorial…I’m creating a couple for a Silent Auction for our school. I bought mine big, so I had to double some fabric to get the look. I’ll post pictures as soon as I take them.

    7. So BEAUTIFUL! This is exactly what I’d been looking for! Thank you for the amazingly clear tutorial.

      Here are mine if you’d like to see how they turned out:

      I do think I lost some of the effect by going with larger (18″) wreath forms, but I am still very happy with how they turned out.

      Thanks again!!!

    8. I just wanted to let you know how beautiful I think this wreath is! Thanks for taking the time to share with us how to make it! I’ll be featuring your project on my blog in a fall roundup this week if you’d like to stop by and check it out! Thanks again for the wonderful idea! :)

    9. Coming over from Dear Lillie. Great post! I had to comment too because my husband says the same thing about rescuing cats! Apparently people call all the time asking them to rescue cats!

    10. Hi Emily, I have become a great fan of your blog, you have beautiful taste. Thank you for sharing your tutorials, I am working my way through them! Made this wreath, turned out lovely, and would love to add bunched up flower, can you share how to make it?
      Thanks again.

    11. Okay…I just came back for a refresher….hopefully tomorrow I’ll get around to the wreath. But….I did create a very large burlap flower thanks to your inspiration. And I wish I’d read and remembered to tie my thread to the burlap….oh that is such a significant tip!

    12. LOVE LOVE LOVE your fab. blog. My SIL sent me this link because she was going to make this wreath. I loved it so much I had to make one too. Mine still isn’t 100% like yours but I did my own twist on it. I love it still. Just wanted you to know that I linked you and thank you for this great tutorial and blog. winks- jen

    13. What an inspiring tutorial! My mind started swirling with all the possibilities. I even liked the wreath before ‘step 5’!!! Christmas is over. I really don’t want to keep my very Christmasy looking wreath up. Now I have inspiration to create something new and fresh yet appropriate for my snowy north east location. Blessings to you!

    14. My sis in law made one of these for me and I love love love it! You have a very fun lil blog :) It is feeding my addiction. Happy Holidays to you! Oh, I also cracked up at the firefighter comment as I too am married to a FF who does not rescue many kittens. Ha ha ha!

    15. Thank you for the tutorial – so cute! I made my own version and made sure to link back to you! I was lazy and just pinned mine, instead of heating up the glue gun! Thanks for sharing your always great ideas! Happy Fall!

    16. I just love this wreath and my husband is a firefighter (in OKC) also! It’s funny how people ask about cats in the trees! OR that they have a dalmation and a pole :) Thanks so much for all you wonderful ideas! Blessings!

    17. Hi Emily

      Thank you for this great tutorial! I linked it to my last post, I hope you don’t mind? I have been using a lot of your ideas lately so thank you for all the inspiration!

    18. Hi Emily

      Thank you for this great tutorial! I linked it to my last post, I hope you don’t mind? I have been using a lot of your ideas lately so thank you for all the inspiration!

    19. Hey Emily,

      What size wreath did you use. I think I got a styrofoam wreath that may be too big. Mine isn’t turning out quite as ruffly.

      Thanks! :)

    20. I just made the wreath and it is gorgeous, but I have one little tip: Do not make this wreath while wearing your nightie and then snuggle up in bed…the burlap fibers are not comfy.

    21. Emily, I love this! I will try it as soon as the wedding hoopla is all done and faded away…it has been fun escaping for a few moments while reading the how-to!

    22. I love this!! I made your page wreath a while back and have had so many people do the same…they all loved it as much as me! This is calling my name, too! I must have a love of wreaths I never knew about. :)

    23. so cute! i made the book page wreath…it turned out so pretty, thank you for your fabulous tutorial! now i’ll try this one, i love it.

    24. Dear Emily,

      Oh my gosh! I’m in love with this tutorial! Where can I purchase burlap? Do you a have tutorial on the flower? Going to try it this week:) So excited. I can’t thank you enough for sharing this with everyone!

      God Bless, Julie Brazelton

    25. I did actually make one today, and I’m so pleased! It’s so full and pretty. I didn’t have any cute flowers on hand so I just tied on a big bow using some sparkly pumpkin ribbon I’ve had for years. I love it so much I may wind up keeping it up all year long, changing out the add-ons to go with the seasons! Thanks for the great tutorial.

    26. Emily – just found your blog and love it – you are so talented! Hurry up and invite me over to tour your darling house.
      Amy (your neighbor across the street)

    27. Absolutely adorable! Living in AZ where it’s still 110 degrees, I need all the Fall visuals I can get. Tiny ones would make great napkin rings also.

    28. Okay, I love the wreath, really I do, but I’m so darned distracted by her fabulous black door. Would you mind asking her the name of the color? I know it’s black, but really, there are so many names of black. Please? Then I promise to run right out and make a wreath to go with it. Thanks.

    29. Hello Emily. You always come up with great ideas. I love this wreath. Can’t wait to try it!! I recently made one of your ruffle pillows for my daughter’s room and it turned out so cute…and it was easy (which I definately like!) Thanks so much. Happy Monday!

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