Comments on: Call me crazy … but I am going to repaint the kitchen cabinets creative inspiration for joyful living Wed, 25 Apr 2018 22:13:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joy Dorn Wed, 25 Apr 2018 22:13:03 +0000 A really light but bright gray reminds me of you. Maybe leave the island alone?

By: Beverly O Sun, 22 Apr 2018 15:55:12 +0000 I understand the need to lighten things up and how grey can influence the mood. I am an educator and I see grey used lots in school buildings which seems so dreary and institutional. Just not friendly or happy like being in a room should feel. My mother-in-law is soon to move into our basement and has painted EVERYTHING a color similar to Rushing River – a medium grey. Ach! The cabinetry and every wall is INSTITUTIONAL grey! DREARY! Now, she is considering a pickled grey finished laminate for the floors! ARGH!!! So, while I would go lighter on your cabinets, I think I’d try to warm it up a bit with Fawn Brindle or Shitake and ALWAYS have flowers or brightful, cheerful, colorful accents in there!

By: emily Fri, 20 Apr 2018 16:14:43 +0000 In reply to Kay.

If I paint all of the cabinets, I’ll do the ones around the fridge as well. We don’t have an exact timeline for the kitchen remodel. Truly, it will be more than just the kitchen – we’ll also remove a wall, add windows, which means some exterior siding as well. We’ll change out the floors, update the little bathroom … the list goes on and on. So in the meantime, I love the idea of making the house as happy as possible :)
